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2019 Australia National Architecture Awards(4/4): 각 부문 National Award, National Commendation

2019 Australia National Architecture Awards(4/4): 

각 부문 National Award, National Commendation 


Public Architecture


_ National Award (2019 Australia National Architecture Awards 1,2 참조)

HOTA Outdoor Stage: ARM Architecture

Maitland River: Chrofi with McGregor Coxall 

Parliament of Vicoria Members' Annexe: Peter Elliott Architecture and Urban Design


_ National Commendation

Port of Sale: FJMT




Educational Architecture


_ National Award

Braemar College Stage 1, Middle School: Hayball




_ National Commendation

Adelaide Botanic High School: Cox Architecture and Design





QUT Creative Industries Precinct 2: Kirk and Hassell (Architects in Association) 





Interior Architecture


_ National Award

Dangrove: Tzannes



The Bae Tas: Work by Liz and Alex 



The University of South Australia Cancer Research Institute: Swanbury Penglase with BVN 




Commercial Architecture


_ National Award

Paramount House Hotel: Breathe Architecture

Private Women's Club: Kerstin Thompson Architects 







_ National Award

House in the Hills: Sean Godsell Architects



Caroline House: Kennedy Noan 




_ National Commendations

Empire: Austin Maynard Architects




Sustainable Architecture


_ National Award

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School: BVN






플로리다의 태양, 바다, 그리고 달리 - 이미지

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